Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fertility chronicles

I've decided to start another blog to document my adventures in trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage. My other blog is too public for some of the things I want to get out & I need somewhere to let it out.

After I miscarried in December I was certain that I would get pregnant again right away. I constantly heard things like "It's obvious that you can get pregnant, so it's just a matter of time." and "I'm sure you'll get pregnant again soon!" Now it's 8 months out & I've started hearing things like "Are you still trying?" and "What are you going to do?"

Fuck. There's not much I can do. I started consistently charting my temp this month & am using a fertility monitor. It's too early to talk about fertility treatments & short of making sure to have sex when I should be ovulating, there really isn't much I can do at this point.

I hope that this blog will bring back some of my sanity & help me keep track of things as I continue trying to have a baby. Who knew it would be such hard work?